
Escaped Characters

$NL. New Line (CR Char)

$~. Null Char

$$. $ Char

$[. [ Char

$]. ] Char


String formatters

+Uppercase Transform a string into a new string in uppercase

+FirstUpperCase Transform a string into a new string with the first letter in uppercase

+LowerCase Transform a string into a new string in lowercase

+FirstLowerCase Transform a string into a new string with the first letter in lowercase

+CamelCase Transform a string into a new string witout spaces and the first letter of eachword in uppercase

+LowerCamelCase Transform a string into a new string witout spaces and the first letter of eachword in uppercase, but the first letter in lowercase.

+SnakeCase Transform a string into a new string in lowercase with hyphens instead of blank spaces.

+Capitalize Transform a string into a new string with the first letter in uppercase and the rest in lowercase

+Length Transform a string into a number with the string length

+Length Transform a string into a new string in plural. It uses the engine locale to identify the language.

Number formatters

+Words Transform a number into a string with the spelling number. It uses the engine locale to identify the language.

+Separators Transform a number into a string with thousand separators

+TwoDecimals Transform a number into a string with two decimals

Date formatters

+Year Transform a date into a string with the year

+MonthYear Transform a date into a string with month and year (example: April 2002). It uses the engine locale to identify the language.

+ShortDate Transform a date into a string with a short date format (example: 01/04/2002)

+FullDate Transform a date into a string with a full date format (example April,1 2002). It uses the engine locale to identify the language.

+DayOfWeek Transform a date into a string with the day of week (Monday to Sunday)

+Time Transform a date into a string with the time (14:28)

Custom formatters

New formatters can be programatically created. Have a look on the programming section

Condition Functions

Type conditions

type(name) Returns true when the current object has the specified type.

type(name & other & another) Returns true when the current object has all the specified types.

type(name | other | another) Returns true when the current object has any of the specified types.

Trigger conditions

trigger(mark) Returns true when the current object was triggered with the specified mark

trigger(option) Returns true when the current object was triggered with the specified option

Attribute conditions

attribute(name) Returns true when the current object has the specified attribute.

attribute(name & other & another) Returns true when the current object has all the specified attributes.

attribute(name | other | another) Returns true when the current object has any of the specified attributes.

attribute(name:value) Returns true when the current object has the specified attribute and value.

attribute(name:value & name:othervalue & othername:anothervalue ) Returns true when the current object has all the specified attributes and values.

attribute(name:value | name:othervalue | othername:anothervalue ) Returns true when the current object has any of the specified attributes and values.

attribute(value) Returns true when the current object is primitive and has the specified value.

attribute(value & othervalue & anothervalue) Returns true when the current object is primitive and has all the specified values.

attribute(value | othervalue | anothervalue) Returns true when the current object is primitive and has any the specified values.

Custom functions

New condition functions can be programatically created. Have a look on the programming section

Last updated on 18 Jul 2024
Published on 18 Jul 2024
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